Why The Math Machine


Teaches Math Skills

The Math Machine teaches math to kids who are struggling in school.


No Boredom

Learning math can sometimes be boring, and even tedious. We make learning math more fun by letting kids play games while learning math at the same time.


Advance in school

Within months, your child will be more advanced than any other child in his/her class because they won't find this game boring.

Why Learn Math

Math is useful

Kids these days don't care about math because they think that people don't use math anywhere. BUT THIS IS NOT THE CASE. Math is used in almost every profession. It's used in coding, medicine research, and even in architecture. Learning math will be very useful later on.

Math is fun

Math doesn't always have to be boring. Math is actually fun, to be honest. If you are not pressured consistently by your peers or your parents, it can be fun. With The Math Machine, you can find learning math very fun.

Math is Easy to Learn

Some people don't learn math because they think that math is too hard and that math is almost impossible to learn. With The Math Machine, learning math becomes much easier, while also become more fun. As a result, kids can learn math easily without facing hardships.


Day 1 of the Project

Day 2 of the Project

Final Working Project Demo

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How to Play

Step 1:

Download the source code and ask your parents to open the files for you and open the terminal and type "pip install pygame"

Step 2:

Whenever you want you want to play the game, ask your parents to start up main.py

Step 3:

The Game will start up and you can play the game now!

Step 4:

When you close the program, you can choose to either keep you progress or to discard your progress



Game Coding Expert


Web Dev Expert


Pixel Artist